How Many Calories in a Plum?

If you want to know how many calories are in a plum then you have certainly come to the right page. Here you will find a range of information on plum calories, ranging from the calories found in a plum to the calories in plum products such as plum wine and plum sauce.

On top of that we also let you know all of the nutrients that your body will benefit from by eating plums in our section on plum nutrition.

The fruit that we call the plum is a fruit from the genus of tress the Prunus. It is an edible fruit with a stone in the middle, that of course is not edible. There are dried variations of the fruit which we commonly know as prunes. The plum is produced all over the world in countries such as China, Serbia and the USA, and offers a modest amount of nutritional value that we have shown in our section on plum nutrition further down the page. The plum is eaten on it's own as a fruit, as well as being made into things such as plum sauce, plum wine, and of course dried into prunes.

One common thing that is known about plums are the laxative effect that they can have on those who consume them. They are a variety of different types of plum that are cultivated around the world, each varying in size, color and texture. We have also explained how many calories in prunes on this page.

How many calories in a plum?

Plums don't vary an awful lot in their size and weight, so the examples of calories in a plum that we have provided below are going to cover the average plum that you come across. We have also included other plum products, as well as the calories found in different weights of the fruit. The plum calorie figures below are for the raw edible part of the plum.

Medium plum calories

  • A plum that weighs 2.3 oz is determined to be an average sized plum, and there are 30 calories in these.

How many calories in 1 cup of plum slices?

  • In an 5.8 oz cup of plum slices there are 75 calories

Calories plum contains by weight:

  • In 1 oz of plum there are 13 calories
  • In 10 g of plum there are 5 calories

How many calories in prunes?

  • In 1 prune weighing 0.3 oz there are 20 calories
  • In a 6 oz cup of pitted prunes there are 408 prune calories

How many calories in plum wine?

  • In a 4.1 fl oz glass of plum wine there are 165 calories
  • In a 8.1 fl oz glass of plum wine there are 330 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of plum wine there are 41 calories
  • In 25 ml of plum wine there are 35 calories

How many calories in plum sauce?

  • In a tablespoon of plum sauce there are 35 calories
  • In 1 oz of plum sauce there are 52 calories
  • In 10 g of plum sauce there are 18 calories

For any products such as plum wine and plum sauce, it is always wise to read the label as the number of calories that you will be consuming can vary from brand to brand.

Please note that the above list of plum calories only shows approximate calorific values. We cannot be exact due to plums generally being unique in their shape and size. The examples are also for raw plum only and calories will vary should the fruit be cooked, altered in any way.

When you are considering the total number of calories plums have in them, you should remember that these figures are minimal in accordance to your total daily calorie requirements of your body.

Please read on as in our next section we are going to give you some plum nutrition facts, which are always good to know before you eat any food.

Plum nutrition facts

The following nutritional information about the plum is based on 3.5 oz or 100 g of raw fruit:


More information

We trust that you found the above information on the number of calories in a plum useful, alongside the plum nutrition facts that we have also highlighted for you. To find out the level of calories found in a wide selection of other fruits and everyday foods and beverages, please take a few moments to look over the menu on the left hand side of the page. If you don't have the time to look around the site now, why not bookmark us so that you can come back another time?


Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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