Calories in Apple Sauce

Find out how many calories are in apple sauce right here. We cover the calorific an nutritional values of hundreds of everyday foods that make up your diet, acting as a free and simple calorie counting tool.

Our goal is to help you make sensible dietary decisions. You can also find links to the apple itself, as well as other popular foods made from this popular fruit.

How many calories in apple sauce?

So how many calories does apple sauce have in it? Let's now find out now using various different brands as examples.

Musselman's natural, unsweetened apple sauce calories

  • A 1/2 cup serving of apple sauce contains 50 cal.

Musselman's organic, unsweetened apple sauce

  • A 4 oz cup of apple sauce holds 50 cal.
  • 100 g holds 44 cal.
  • 1 oz holds 13 cal.

Musselman's organic apple sauce

  • A 4 oz cup of apple sauce = 80
  • 100 g = 71
  • 1 oz = 20

Mott's original apple sauce calories

  • A 4 oz cup of apple sauce = 97
  • 100 g of apple sauce = 86
  • 1 oz of apple sauce = 24

Mott's natural, unsweetened apple sauce

  • A 3.9 oz container of apple sauce = 43
  • 100 g = 39
  • 1 oz = 11

Tree top, no added sugar, natural apple sauce

  • A 4 oz container of apple sauce = 50
  • 100 g = 44
  • 1 oz = 13

Tree of life, organic apple and cinnamon sauce

  • A 4.6 oz 1/2 cup serving of cinnamon and apple sauce = 120
  • 100 g = 92
  • 1 oz = 26

We hope that this section has given you a much better idea of the calories apple sauce contains. Although the apple is a food that is incredibly good for you, you should be aware that some sauces have extra sugar added to them in order to sweeten the taste, hence why there are quite high volumes of calories in them. Always check the nutritional details on the label before buying and consuming a product if you are counting calories.

Related pages

Apple sauce is a condiment that is most commonly eaten alongside roast pork, to find out the calorific content of this meat, and also a number of other foods with apples as the main ingredient, check out the following pages:

Further information

We trust that this page has been helpful in highlighting how many calories in apple sauce. There is similar information on hundreds of other foods and beverages covered on this site, as well as their nutritional values and benefits, so please take a look around while you are online.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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