Bud light platinum calories

If you are wondering how many calories are in Bud light platinum, you have come to the right page.

We cover all of the information that you will need concerning this popular alcoholic beverage from Budweiser, as well as the nutritional and calorific content of all of the foods and drinks in your diet. Our aim is to help you make better dietary choices.

How many calories in Bud light platinum?

Let's take a look at the calorie content of this popular option from the king of beers, Budweiser.

Bud light platinum - 6% alcohol content

  • A 12 fl oz bottle of Bud light platinum = 137
  • 1 fl oz = 11
  • 25 ml = 10
  • 100 ml = 39

We hope that this section has clearly highlighted the calories Bud light platinum contains.

What's the difference?

Many people are going to be wondering just what the difference is between ordinary Bud light, and Bud light platinum? The obvious thing is that Bud light platinum comes in a very cool blue glass bottle, looking rather stylish. The primary difference though is that it has a high alcohol volume than Bud light at 4.2% and ordinary Budweiser at 5%. It is also highly carbonated, and contains more sugar, so despite it's 'light' label, it is in fact high in calories. At 137 in a 12 fl oz bottle of Bud light platinum, that is only 8 less than a regular Bud.

Related pages

Here are some other pages covering the calorie content of other alcoholic drinks similar to Bud light platinum.

Further information

Thank you for taking the time to read through out page covering Bud light platinum calories, the latest and greatest beer from the Budweiser brand.

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