How many calories are in butternut squash soup

If you are interested in finding out how many calories are in butternut squash soup, you have certainly landed on the right page. This is a guide to bother butternut squash soup nutrition facts and calories, with an explanation as to whether this popular soup is good for you or not, and why.

Interested in the calories found in other soups too? We have a big soup index covering the calories and nutrients found in a wide range of them. Similarly, if you want to know about the calorific and nutritional content of the butternut squash, please click here.

Butternut squash soup calories

Campbell's select gold label, golden butternut squash soup

  • In a 245 g serving there is 91 calories
  • In 100 g there is 37 calories
  • In 1 oz there is 10 calories

We trust that this section has been helpful when t comes to the calories butternut squash soup contains. If you would like to find out all about it's nutritional values, please continue to the next section.

Check out some butternut squash nutrition facts

Is butternut squash good for you?

So is butternut squash good for you? Well although it does not provide a wide spectrum of nutrients, it is a very good source of vitamin A and fiber. There are also very few calories in butternut squash soup, as well as there being a very small amount of cholesterol and saturated fat.

The only negatives are that there is a high volume of sodium and sugar in this type of soup, so it is wise to consume it moderately. Overall though any type of soup, especially those made with fresh foods are going to be good for you.

Further information

Hopefully this page will have been able to provide you with all of the information that you were searching for in regard to butternut squash soup calories, as well as it's various nutrition facts.

Make sure that you check out the menus to the left of the page to find hundreds of other everyday foods and drinks that make up your diet.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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