Discover how many calories in chestnuts

If you would like to find out how many calories are in chestnuts, you have undoubtedly landed on the right page. This is a simple guide to chestnut calories, along with a clear explanation as to whether they are good for you, and why.

Chestnut calories

So how many calories do chestnuts have in them? This is a very good question, and one that we are going to answer straight away.

European chestnuts - Roasted

  • In 10 kernels weighing 84 g there are 206 cal.
  • In 100 g there are 245 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 69 cal.
  • European chestnuts - Dried and peeled

  • In 100 g there are 369 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 103 cal.
  • European chestnuts - dried and unpeeled

  • In 100 g there are 374 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 105 cal.
  • European chestnuts - Raw and peeled

  • In 100 g there are 196 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 55 cal.
  • European chestnuts - Boiled and steamed

  • In 100 g there are 131 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 37 cal.
  • Japanese chestnuts - Roasted

  • In 100 g there are 201 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 56 cal.
  • Japanese chestnuts - Dried

  • In 100 g there are 360 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 101 cal.
  • Japanese chestnuts - Raw

  • In 100 g there are 154 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 43 cal.
  • Japanese chestnuts - Boiled and steamed

  • In 100 g there are 56 cal.
  • In 1 oz there are 16 cal.

We hope that this section has been able to clearly highlight the calories chestnuts contain. If you would like to discover more about chestnuts, such as their nutritional value, and whether they are good for you, please continue to read.

Are chestnuts good for you?

One question that may be playing on your mind now that you have see the various chestnut calories, is are they good for you? Well there are various nutritional benefits that chestnuts can bring to your diet. A serving of 10 roasted chestnut kernels can provide you with a great dose of potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins C, B1, B6 and B9. There is also barely any saturated fat, sodium or sugar in chestnuts, as well containing no cholesterol. This makes they very good for you indeed.

The only negative factor is that dried and roasted chestnuts do have a fair few calories in them. The nutritional plus points well outweigh this last factor though.

More on chestnuts

Check out these following pages which cover nuts in general, as well as the nutritional benefits of chestnuts:

We hope that these pages were helpful.

Further information

Hopefully this page has been able to answer any questions that you may have had relating to how many calories in chestnuts. We have covered loads of other everyday foods and drinks on this site as well, so please take a look around via the menus on the left hand side of the page while you are online.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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