Cobb salad calories

If you would like to find out how many calories are in Cobb salad, you have landed on the right page. We provide you with information on the calorific and nutritional content of the foods in your diet, with our primary aim being to help you make better dietary decisions.

What is Cobb salad?

Briefly before we talk about it's calorie content, let's provide a little explanation as to what Cobb salad actually is. It is a garden salad that is made up from water cress, lettuce, tomatoes, endives, chicken breast, hard boiled egg, avocado, roquefort cheese, chives, black olives, and red wine vinaigrette.

How many calories in Cobb salad?

So how many calories does Cobb salad have in it? Let's take a look.

McDonald's California Cobb salad calories

  • A 214 g order of Cobb salad = 160
  • 100 g = 75
  • 1 oz = 21

McDonald's crispy chicken California Cobb salad

  • A 308 g order of Cobb salad = 380
  • 100 g = 123
  • 1 oz = 35

McDonald's grilled chicken California Cobb salad calories

  • A 302 g order of Cobb salad = 280
  • 100 g = 93
  • 1 oz = 26

We hope that this section has given you a clearer ideas as to the calories Cobb salad contains.

Is Cobb salad good for you?

There are some interesting benefits and drawbacks from a nutritional standpoint, when it comes to eating Cobb salad. If you are eating the grilled chicken version this is the most healthy, it has less calories in it for a start. There are some big nutritional plus points such as a great dose of iron, calcium, protein as well as vitamins A and C. However, on the flip side there is a very high volume of sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol, which are three things you should really be trying to keep to a minimum in your diet. If you do choose to eat Cob salad try and eat it in smaller portions, not on a very regular basis, and also refrain from using extra dressings such as mayo which will make it even less good for you.

Related pages

Here are some related pages on the site that you might find interesting if you are a fan of Cobb salad.

More information

Hopefully you will have found all of the information that you were searching for concerning calories in Cobb salad. There are hundreds of everyday foods and beverages covered on this site, including the majority of ingredients that go into this popular America salad dish.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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