How many calories in crawfish?

If you would like to find out how many calories are in crawfish, or crayfish as it is otherwise known, you have come to the right place. Our site is a guide to the calorie and nutritional content of the foods and beverages that make up your diet. We are the best free online calorie counter, and our primary aim is to help you make better dietary decisions.

You can see the nutritional value of crawfish if click here.

Crawfish calories

So how many calories do crawfish have in them? Let's now take a look.

Crawfish, mixed species, farmed, cooked

  • A 3 oz serving of crawfish = 74
  • 100 g = 87
  • 1 oz = 24

Crawfish, mixed species, farmed, cooked

  • A 3 oz serving of crawfish = 70
  • 100 g = 82
  • 1 oz = 23

We hope that this section has clearly highlighted the calories crawfish contains for you.

Is crawfish good for you?

Like most seafoods there are several nutritional benefit that can be obtained from eating crawfish. These are primarily the high volume of B vitamins, most notable vitamin B12, and also the minerals copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus. Not to mention it's high protein content. However, there is always a drawback and with this fish, again like many other seafoods, it is the cholesterol that it contains. This makes crawfish both good and bad for you, and means that to help prevent your cholesterol level from reaching harmfully high levels, this is a food that should be eaten in real moderation. For a full breakdown of the nutritional values of crawfish, please take out

Related pages

Here are some links to pages that relate to clams and other mollusks.

Further information

Hopefully you will have found all of the information that you were searching for here concerning how many calories in crawfish.

There are hundreds of everyday foods and beverages covered on this site, including a wide range of seafoods, so why not take a look around while you are online at the free information that we have on offer?

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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