Find out how many calories are in ginger ale

Ginger ale is a popular carbonated drink, enjoyed by all around the world, but how many calories are in ginger ale? This page is a simple guide to ginger ale calories, where it's nutritional benefits are highlighted in our explanation as to whether it is good for you or not.

So how many calories does ginger ale have in it? This is the first question that we are going to answer for you.

  • In a 12 fl oz can or bottle of ginger ale there are 124 cal.
  • In 1 fl oz of ginger ale there are 10 cal.
  • In 100 g of ginger ale there are 34 cal.

Canada dry

Let's now look at the calories in Canada dry ginger ale

  • In an 8 fl oz cup there are 90 calories
  • In 1 fl oz there are 11 calories
  • In 25 ml there are 9 calories

Canada dry ginger ale diet

  • In an 8 fl oz cup there are 0 cal.
  • In 1 fl oz there are 0 cal.
  • In 25 ml there are 0 cal.

Schweppes ginger ale

  • In an 8 fl oz cup there are 80 calories
  • In a 12 fl oz cup there are 120 calories
  • In 1 fl oz there are 10 calories
  • In 25 ml there are 8 calories

The calories ginger ale contains can vary depending on the brand that you are drinking. To be sure you should check the nutritional details on the label of the product, as this will tell you exactly how many calories that it contains.

Is ginger ale good for you?

So is ginger ale good for you? Well this carbonated drink doesn't offer you anything nutritionally, so there is nothing to say that it is good for you. However, it is not as if it is loaded with fat or anything negative to make it bad for you. The calories in ginger ale come from the sugar, and there is a moderately high amount of that in it.

It is something that you can enjoy on a regular basis, just make sure that you are factoring the calories that it contains into your daily count. You can do even better by going for a diet version as there are no calories in diet ginger ale, which is always a bonus!

More on carbonated drinks

To find out more about the calories in carbonated drinks, and a wide range of other beverages, by clicking on the link below:

Further information

We trust that you have found everything that you were looking for when it comes to the calories in ginger ale. There are literally hundreds of everyday foods and beverages featured right here on our site, so take a look through the menus on the left hand side of the page to find those that may be of interest to you.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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