Calories in a Lemon

The lemon is a vibrantly colored citrus fruit with a sour taste. This page is committed to explaining to you how many calories are in lemon, as well as lemon juice, lemon zest and even lemonade.

We also provide a breakdown of lemon nutrition facts, as well as answer the question, 'are lemons good for you?'.

The calories that are found in other citrus fruits such as the orange and the lime, can be found on different pages highlighted in our fruit menu.

There is much more to our website than just a breakdown of lemon calories.

How many calories in a lemon?

Let's start off by showing you how many calories in a whole lemon.

  • In a 2 oz raw lemon without the peel there are 17 calories
  • In a 3 oz lemon without the peel there are 24 calories
  • In a slice of raw lemon weighing 0.2 oz there are 2 calories

Lemon calories by weight

  • In 1 oz of raw lemon without the peel there are 8 calories
  • In 10 g of raw lemon without the peel there are 3 calories

How many calories in lemon juice?

Now let's take a look at lemon juice calories.

  • In an 8.6 fl oz cup of fresh lemon juice there are 65 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of fresh lemon juice there are 8 calories
  • In 25 ml of fresh lemon juice there are 6 calories

Calories in lemon zest/peel

Now we are going to look at lemon zest calories, as this is a part of the fruit that is very popular.

  • In a 0.1 oz teaspoon of lemon zest there is 1 calorie
  • In a 0.2 oz tablespoon of lemon zest there are 3 calories

How many calories in lemonade?

Lemonade is a popular product made with lemons, let's look at lemonade calories now.

  • In an 11.3 fl oz cup of lemonade there are 171 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of lemonade there are 15 calories
  • In 25 ml of lemonade there are 13 calories

Please note that for products such as lemonade, the calories lemons contain can vary between manufacturers.

Are lemons good for you?

So is lemon good for you? This is a question with a very easy answer, and you only need to look at the fact it has so few calories to see what that answer is. Put that together with the nutritional values of a lemon that have been listed below, and you will see that it is a goldmine of vitamin C, as well as providing various other nutrients.

The Lemon is definitely a fruit that is good for you. The benefits of lemons are so varied, which is why you see them as ingredients to medicines, cleaning products and air fresheners.

Lemon nutrition facts

The following lemon nutrition facts are based on 3.5 oz, or 100 g of raw lemon fruit:

  • Vitamin A - 22 IU
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - 0.1 milligrams
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.2 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.1 milligrams
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) - 11 micrograms
  • Vitamin C - 53 milligrams (an enormous 88% of your recommended daily allowance)
  • Vitamin E- 0.2 milligrams
  • Vitamin K - 0.0 micrograms
  • Calcium - 26 milligrams
  • Copper - 0.0 milligrams
  • Iron - 0.6 milligrams
  • Magnesium - 8 milligrams
  • Manganese - 0.0 milligrams
  • Phosphorous - 16 milligrams
  • Potassium - 138 milligrams
  • Selenium - 0.4 micrograms
  • Sodium - 2 milligrams
  • Zinc - 0.1 milligrams
  • Choline - 5.1 milligrams
  • Protein - 1.1 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 2.8 g
  • Carbohydrates - 9.3 g
  • Water - 89 g
  • Total fats - 0.3 g
  • Sugars - 2.5 g

As you can see there are several nutrients that can be obtained from the lemon, and also the juice inside it. The most notable health benefit of lemon is the fact that it has such a high content of vitamin C.

More Information

We hope that you have found the information that you were looking for when it comes to calories in lemon and lemon nutrition facts. If you want to find out about the calories that are found in other fruits, as well as a massive selection of other everyday foods, please check out the menu on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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