Calories in Mint Sauce

If you are interested in how many calories are in mint sauce, this is the page for you. Here you will find a straight forward guide to mint sauce calories, something that is commonly consumed with lamb. We hope that this information will help you with your calorie counting efforts.

We will also provide you with a quick guide on how to make mint sauce yourself, as this is incredibly easy to do.

How many calories in mint sauce?

So how many calories does mint sauce have in it? Let's now take a look.

Baxters mint sauce calories

  • In 100 g of canned, sweetened cranberry sauce there are 90 calories.
  • 1 oz contains 26 cal.

We hope this has given you a better idea of how many calories mint sauce contains.

As we have already mentioned, this is a sauce that is commonly eaten alongside lamb in traditional British roast dinners. Please take a look at the links below to find out more about the calories this meat contains, as well as other condiments similar to mint sauce.

Make your own mint sauce

As far as preparing foods go, mint sauce is not the most challenging. If you are looking up how many calories are in mint sauce then the chances are it is something that you enjoy the taste of. If you want to make your own instead of buying what is available at the supermarket, check out this simple mint sauce recipe:

Ingredients: Bunch of mint, 4 tablespoons of boiling water, 4 tablespoons of white wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon of caster sugar, and a pinch of salt.

  1. Strip off the mint leaves, sprinkle with salt before chopping finely.
  2. Put in the mint into a jug and add sugar before pouring the boiling water over it.
  3. Stir and then leave to cool down.
  4. Put the vinegar in and stir whilst doing so.
  5. To make the taste more satisfying to you, add water or vinegar accordingly.

Related pages

Further information

We trust that you are now aware of how many calories in mint sauce, and we hope that you will take the time to look around the site at the hundreds of other foods and beverages that we have covered.

Please make sure you bookmark us so that we are your first port of call in the future when you need an online calorie counter.



Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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