Calories in an Onion?

For many people, cooking onions can be an emotional experience, but for those who like to eat this tear-jerking vegetable, it may be interested to find out how many calories are in onion. This page is devoted to providing you with all of the information you will need when it comes to onion calories.

What the page also provides is a breakdown of onion nutrition facts as well, highlighting the many nutritional benefits of the onion. We have also provided some information on calories in onion rings, as these are a very popular related product.

How many calories in an onion?

Now let's look at how many calories in a whole onion, both boiled and raw, before we go on to provide some examples of calories onion contains by weight. We will also provide onion rings calories for you as well.

  • A small boiled onion weighing 2.1 oz has 26 calories in
  • A medium boiled onion weighing 3.3 oz has 41 calories in
  • A large boiled onion weighing 4.5 oz has 56 calories
  • A small raw onion weighing 2.5 oz has 29 calories in
  • A medium raw onion weighing 3.9 oz has 46 calories on
  • A large raw onion weighing 5.3 oz has 63 calories in

Onion calories by weight

  • 1 oz of cooked onion has 10 calories in
  • 10 g of cooked onion has 4 calories in
  • 1 oz or raw onion has 12 calories in
  • 10 g of raw onion has 4 calories in

How many calories in onion rings?

Now let's look at the number of calories in onion rings, a popular product relating to the vegetable.

  • A 2.1 oz serving of 10 medium sized breaded onion rings, fried, has 244 calories in
  • In 1 oz of breaded onion rings, fried, there are 115 calories
  • In 1 oz of breaded onion rings, fried, there are 41 calories

As you can see there are not many onion calories when they are cooked. It is worth bearing in mind that if you are eating raw onion the amount of calories in an onion does not differ very much at all.

Now it's time to answer a question that could be lingering at the back of your mind, 'are onions good for you?'. You can rest assured that this onions, just like all of the other vegetables we have featured on this site, is crammed full of nutrients that are going to provide your body with nothing but positive benefits. Not only is it low in calories, but it can play an active role in maintaining good health if you were to ensure that it is a regular feature in your diet.

Onion nutrition facts

The following onion nutrition facts are based on 3.5 oz or 100 g of boiled onion without any salt added:

  • Protein - 1.4 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 1.4 g
  • Carbohydrates - 10.1 g
  • Water - 87.9 g
  • Total fats - 0.2 g
  • Sugars 4.7 g

Further information

We do hope that you been able to ascertain how many calories in onion by reading the information that we have provided on this page, as well as noted some of the important onion nutrition facts. To learn more about the calories found in other vegetables, as well as a wide range of other everyday foods, please check out the menu on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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