Calories in an Orange and Orange Juice

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world, but how many calories are in an orange? This page is devoted specifically to explaining how many calories in an orange, with a few additional features such as orange juice calories, orange nutrition facts and also orange juice nutrition facts.

We also cover different varieties of orange with information on calories in a tangerine or mandarin, navel orange calories, and calories in a satsuma. If you want to know about orange calories then you have definitely come to the right place!

If you are interested in the calories orange has to offer then you may also be interested in the calories found in various other popular fruits. We have various pages crammed with free information on the calories found in all popular foods, and here are a few quick links to some other pages on calories in fruit:

Millions of people like to count the calories that they eat each day in order to keep a careful eye on their weight, and finding out how many calories in a orange is just as important. It is a fact that if you are able to keep your calorie intake to a certain level that you can take control of whether you gain, maintain or lose weight. To find out more about how many calories you should eat a day to lose weight, please click here.

How many calories are in an orange?

Now we come to the main part of the page, where we cover how many calories are in an orange. Please note that following this section we will cover calories in a mandarin/tangerine calories, satsuma and navel orange too before we go on to let you know about orange juice calories.

Below we have provided information on calories in an orange by size and also weight, as it is not uncommon for this popular fruit to be found in a variety of sizes. Of course the examples that we have used to do not include the skin, which is not an edible part of the fruit.

Calories in a small orange?

  • In a small orange weighing 3.5 oz there is approximately 48 calories

Calories in a medium orange?

  • In a medium orange weighing 4.8 oz there is approximately 65 calories

Calories in a large orange?

  • In a large orange weighing 6.6 oz there is approximately 89 calories
  • In 1 oz of orange there is approximately 13 calories
  • In 10 g of orange there is approximately 5 calories

In the above examples or orange calories we have used the weight of the orange to distinguish between the different sizes, if you are actually looking at an orange an unsure of it's weight then imagine a small orange as being a little larger than a golf ball and a large orange being slightly larger than a tennis ball.

Besides covering the calories in oranges of the regular kind, you may also be interested to know how many calories are found in the different varieties of orange as well. Next we cover these.

Calories in a tangerine / mandarin

The tangerine is a small type of mandarin orange, and is distinguishable in the fact that it looks slightly flattened. Here we cover tangerine calories for you.

  • In a small tangerine weighing 2.8 oz there are approximately 41 calories
  • In a medium tangerine weighing 3.2 oz there is approximately 50 calories
  • In a large tangerine weighing 4.3 oz there is approximately 67 calories
  • In 1 oz of tangerine there are approximately 14 tangerine calories
  • In 10 g of tangerine there are approximately 5 calories

Calories in a navel orange

The navel orange is a little different to the common orange as it has a second fruit growing from the apex, they have a thicker skin, are usually less juicy and have a slight bitterness to them. Here we are going to cover navel orange calories for you.

  • In one regular size navel orange weighing 5 oz there are approximately 70 calories
  • In 1 oz of navel orange there is approximately 14 calories
  • In 10 g of navel orange there is approximately 5 calories

Calories in a satsuma

The satsuma is another kind of mandarin orange, or sweet orange as they are often referred to. But how many calories in a satsuma?

  • In 1 oz of fruit there are approximately 10 satsuma calories

We hope that this section covering how many calories in an orange has been useful and provided you with the answers that you need. If you are asking yourself 'how many calories does an orange have?' then you may also be curious about calories in orange juice, so please continue to read as that is what we cover next.

How many calories in orange juice?

Orange juice is arguably the most popular juice that there is when it comes to fruit juices, but now many calories are in orange juice? Whether you like to wake up to a nice glass of fresh orange juice from the fridge, or if you enjoy a nice cool glass to refresh yourself after a workout, it may be of interest to know about orange juice calories. In this section we are going to talk about the calories found in various different types of orange juice.

Fresh orange juice calories

  • In 1 fl oz of fresh orange juice there are approx 16 calories

Sweet orange juice calories

  • In 1 fl oz of sweet orange juice there is approx 15 calories

McDonald's orange juice calories

  • In 1 pint of minute maid orange juice from McDonald's there is approximately 204 calories
  • In 1 small 12 fl oz minute maid orange juice from McDonald's there is approximately 153 calories

Frozen orange concentrate calories

  • In 1 fl oz of frozen orange concentrate, undiluted and unsweetened there is approximately 55 calories

Please note that 1 fl oz is approximate to 1.3 oz.

We hope that this section on how many calories in orange juice has helped you to figure out what role orange juice is able to play in your calorie counting diet. Below we have some nutritional information on both the orange fruit and orange juice.

It is important to remember that depending on the brand of orange juice that you buy, the calories in orange juice can vary. This is why you should always read the label of the product that you are buying as this will always tell you the number of orange juice calories found in it.

Information on the orange

Now we are are going to give you a bit of information on the actual fruit itself. Oranges come from the family of citrus fruit and are cultivated in warm areas of the world such as Spain in Europe, southern areas of the USA, and South America. They come in various different varieties such as the sweet orange, the sour orange, the mandarin, the also the navel orange.

More Information on Oranges and Fruits

There is a wealth of further free information that this site has to offer in addition to orange calories, so please take the time to look around while you are online. Why not bookmark us so that you can come back another time as well, if you like to count calories then we can help you do just that.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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