Find out how many calories are in pumpkin soup

If you would like to learn how many calories are in pumpkin soup, you have certainly landed on the right page. This is a simple, but concise guide to pumpkin soup calories with an explanation as to whether this popular variety of soup is good for your or not, and why. This covers the main nutritional value of pumpkin soup. We can also point you in the right direction when it comes to the calories in other common soups, and the pumpkin in general.

Pumpkin soup calories

So how many calories does pumpkin soup have in it? Here is where we are going to answer that question for you, using some popular examples of brands that produce it.

Zoup pumpkin pie bisque, chilled

  • An 8 fl oz serving contains 200 cal.
  • 1 fl oz contains 25 cal.
  • 25 ml contains 21 cal.

Au bon pain harvest pumpkin soup

  • An 8.1 fl oz serving contains 175 cal.
  • A 1 pint 0.2 fl oz serving contains 350 cal.

We hope that this section has been able to successfully highlight the calories pumpkin soup contains. To find out whether this popular soup is good for you, or to explore the pumpkin and it's calorific values further, please continue reading.

Is pumpkin soup good for you?

Having read about pumpkin soup calories you may not be wondering whether or not it is good for you or not? Pumpkin soup has several nutritional values that make it worthwhile including in your diet such as it's fiber content. It is a moderate source of vitamins A and C, as well as the minerals calcium and iron. It is low in cholesterol and saturated fat, and there are not exactly loads of calories in pumpkin soup to worry about either.

The only negative point, which is the case with all soups, is that it has a high sodium content. For most people will mean that this is something that should be consumed in moderation, especially if it is going to be a regular feature in your diet plans. It can definitely do you good though, so make the most of it's nutritional benefits.

More on pumpkin and soup in general

Now that you know all about the calories in pumpkin soup, you may be interested in similar information on other popular soups, or on the calories found in the pumpkin in other forms, check the following pages out:

Related Pages for Pumpkin Soup

We hope you find these pages useful.

Further information

We trust that the information on this page has been able to answer all of your questions when it comes to how many calories in pumpkin soup.

On our website we feature hundreds of other everyday foods and beverages, including loads of other soup varieties, so please take a moment to look around while you are online.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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