Calories in Dr Pepper

If you would like to find out how many calories are in Dr Pepper, and the many different types of Dr Pepper such as Diet Dr Pepper, you have certainly come to the right page. This is a guide to both Dr Pepper calories, and Dr Pepper nutrition facts. We explain as to whether there are any nutritional benefits to Dr Pepper and whether it is bad for you or not.

How many calories in Dr Pepper?

First of all let's look at how many calories are in a can of Dr Pepper, and also a bottle of Dr Pepper.

  • In a 12 fl oz can of Dr Pepper there are 150 calories
  • In a 12 fl oz can of Dr Pepper diet there are 0 calories
  • In a 12 fl oz can of Dr Pepper cherry there are 165 calories
  • In a 12 fl oz can of caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 150 calories
  • In a 12 fl oz can of diet caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 0 calories

Dr Pepper calories by weight

Now let's take a look at Dr Pepper calories by weight.

  • In 1 fl oz of Dr Pepper there are 12 calories
  • In 25 ml of Dr Pepper there are 11 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of Dr Pepper diet there are 0 calories
  • In 25 ml of Dr Pepper diet there are 0 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of Dr Pepper cherry there are 14 calories
  • In 25 ml of Dr Pepper cherry there are 12 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 12 calories
  • In 25 ml of caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 11 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of diet caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 0 calories
  • In 25 ml of diet caffeine free Dr Pepper there are 0 calories

We hope that this section has been able to successfully highlight the calories Dr Pepper contains for you.

Dr Pepper nutrition facts

The following Dr Pepper nutrition facts are based on a 20 fl oz cup of Dr Pepper.

  • Protein - 0.0
  • Cholesterol - None
  • Dietary Fiber - 0.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 66 g
  • Water - 111 g
  • Total fats - 0.0 g
  • Sugars - 64 g

There is also 250 calories in this size serving of Dr Pepper.


The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary due to age, gender and individual requirements due to medical reasons.

Find out much more about the various nutrients that are listed above by checking out our vitamins and minerals menu. We have a page for each one explaining exactly what positive contributions they make to the health of your body, and highlighting all of the other foods that they can be found in.

Is Dr Pepper bad for you?

You have read about how many calories are in Dr Pepper, and also the various nutritional values of this popular fizzy drink, but is Dr Pepper bad for you, or good for you? Well it is plain to see from the information that we have listed above, there are absolutely no nutritional benefits of Dr Pepper. This means that it is in no way something that is deemed 'good for you'. However, other than a high calorie and sugar content it is not going to do you any harm.

It is hardly something that you should be drinking a lot of if you are watching your weight, and it is also something that your dentist certainly wouldn't recommend. Dr Pepper diet on the other hand has zero calories so is slightly better for you, but again as a fizzy drink would not be something that you should be drinking large quantities of. The best thing to do is drink Dr Pepper as a treat occasionally, with anything like this moderation is the key.

Further information

Thank you for reading our page all about how many calories in Dr Pepper, and Dr Pepper nutrition facts. We trust that you were able to find the information that you were looking for and that you now understand whether or not Dr Pepper is good for you. If you would like to find out more about the calories and nutrients that are contained in various other carbonated drinks, as well as a huge array of everyday foods, please take a look at the menu on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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